
Creating Opportunities For The UK Across Europe

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Team work and dedication brings results

Over the last two weeks the students have learnt many new construction skills at the eco-Chateau.  I personally and along with Gary would like to thank the group for their attitude to the work experience and we will return later in the year with Chichester College students.

Josh Harte and Conner O'Hara, great team effort on laying stone work and pointing in, the hardest puzzle they will ever try!

Great work by Gary Curtis with William Baxter, Tom Kyriacou, Hugh Pengelly and also Brickwork students Keiron Marsh, Connor Turrell and Liam Austin all working to set the studwork out and fix it

Compliments from the French builders especially to Michael Mills and Liam Austin for the work ethic on the application of hemp and lime to the walls.  Anthony Norris, Aiden Stentiford and Keiron Marsh did a lot of hard work in preparing this room and progressing this room even further.  Well done team!

Each day we had the opportunity to hold a site meeting and end of day meeting to share what we learnt.  This was our concluding meeting of the two weeks.  Thank you to eco-Chateau staff for providing us with our meals.  You cannot run a Rolls-Royce on an Empty Tank

The sunsetting over Tinchebray from the chateau

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